
Dogs are like humans. They have their habits and like their space.  Easing your pets to new space is important so that they can feel safe and comfortable.

When looking for a house you may want to make a list of what is important to your dog too.

  • A pet-friendly neighborhood can go a long way when your dog is on the loose, or if you are looking to socialize your dog.  The best way to find out if the neighborhood is dog friendly is to go for a walk with your dog on a Saturday to get a feel
  • Sidewalks around the neighborhood is a good idea for safety while you walk your dog
  • You may prefer to have a fenced yard to help your dog run freely while you do your work.
  • A larger backyard
  • A nice park within a walking distance
  • Fewer stairs if your dog is older

Don’t forget to keep your dog stress-free on your moving day.  Have a friend keep your dog or check your dog in for boarding. When you are ready, ease your dog into the new space to reduce anxiety.  Ensure that your dog has all the toys and smells that it had in the previous house.  The more your dog feels at home the happier your dog is.