
Training Philosophy:  Smith Farms Boarding Kennels focuses on balance training methods.  We believe that all dogs can be trained and each individual dog has a unique potential they can be reached.  With a supportive handler/owner that is willing to team up and build the training foundation in your furry friend, we know that your dog partner will impress you at the end of our training program.  Dogs that are 5-months to 1 year are the perfect age to learn as they tend to achieve more in learning potential as they are in a prime time period of their life that is open to learning.  Dogs that are older than a year are receptive to training but if your considering training your dog let’s get them in early to develop their polite behaviors early.

When training at Smith Farms Boarding Kennels we find what will motivate your dog to work, anything from treats, toys, affection, or play may do the trick to encourage desired behavior.  When we are working with behavior modification dogs we believe that developing a relationship with your dog is very important and is one of the first steps we take during our training process.  Dogs that are aggressive to humans, dogs, other animals can be helped but we also acknowledge that dog owners need to be helped as well as common problems can be associated with the handler and some miseducated means of handling their dogs to help create undesired behaviors.  When any dog graduates our Board and Train program it comes with 2 one-hour private lessons to help transfer the leadership skills to the owner to foster a great relationship.  Training slip-collars and electronic collars are tools we may choose to assist in training if necessary.  Tools and techniques are very important to consider, think of how many times you have to tell your child “no” before they hear the real “No!”  At Smith Farms Boarding Kennels we want to give a command once and have it followed otherwise your dog may consider it really a suggestion rather than a command.

You can learn a bit more by reviewing this page of this site concerning our Board and Train Program.